Monday, July 25, 2011

How to...

Put Animated GIF's into a regular post on Blogger!
I like uploading the animated GIF's to image hosting servers. For smaller gifs, I use , and for larger ones, I use .  Well today, I'm going to show you how to upload to z-up. first of all, click the link that I just wrote a few sentences ago. Here's what should appear.
Click 'Browse' and pick the GIF you want. I've already showed you how to make an animated GIF here.
So Pick the gif you want and click 'Open'.
Click 'Upload'.  It should give you a link, and you can just post that link in the HTML tab in blogger. Or, If you want to put it in your sidebar, use the HTML/Javascript Gadget.

Well there you go, Enjoy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to...

Export animations on Stykz!
Stykz is a stickfigure animation software, you can download it here.
Well this tutorial is for advanced users of Stykz, users that can already create fluent animations. Well first we want to open up Stykz. Get the animation you want, or if you haven't made one, then  make one.

Here is a Stykz animation I made following a tut on YouTube. That's why it might look familiar when you see it playing. Well on stykz, you can Export it to five things, but I only use two of them, Animated GIF, and Quicktime video (.mov). Today I'll be showing you how to export to either two of them. First, I'll show you how to export to an Animated GIF. First, click the 'File' Tab, I have a Mac, so your list of tabs are in a different place. But well yeah, click file.
File>Export Animation. Click Export Animation^.
You should arrive at a page that looks something like this:
The default setting, as you see, Is a Quicktime Movie(.mov). Well change that to Animated GIF.
Make sure it's an ANIMATED GIF, not a Sequence of GIF Images.
Pick 'Animated GIF.'

 Once you've done that, just press 'Save'.
Arrive here and then press Export.

And you've got an Animated GIF!
Free Image Hosting

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to...

Make a blog!
This should be fairly easy. You need a google account to make a blog.

Making a google account is very easy.
As usual, start by opening your Web Browser, I'm using Firefox for Ubuntu Linux, so mines may look a little different from yours.

This time we're going to copy and paste this URL:
Into your URL box near the top of your web browser.
Don't tell me you can't fill in that simple form.
Well after you finish the form, simply click "I accept. Create my account". now you have a google account!

Making your blog
Ok, now that you have your google account go to . You should see this:
Well now just log in using the google account you just made.
You should go automatically to this page.

Fill in the spaces and check the terms of service. Then click continue.

Here you will arrive at your dashboard! Your dashboard is mainly just something made on blogger so you can check up on all your blogs, or your blog. Yeah so well, Obviously you do not have a blog yet, so go ahead and click "Create your blog now"
Here is the second step of creating your very own blog; naming your blog and naming blogger's free domain hosting service. You can also use some other free domains, like or .tk or something like that; I forgot. Yeah, so name your blog URL whatever you want, but make sure the name is available!

And last, but not least, your starter template, which you can edit later on, so just pick whatever.

Now click the orange "Continue" button shaped like a arrow. It should lead you to this page.
When you see this page, you must do a happy dance, because you have created your own blog! Yeehoo! Yeah whatever. Click "Continue"
And here is your blog!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to...

Turn a picture into a cartoon!
I found a good website, like no ads and viruses, so you know its safe. It also works very well, but due to experience, I know there is some flaws about it. I'll tell you about them later. But right now, I'm going to bring you through some basic steps on how to do it.

First, open up your web browser; I use Firefox, but can use absolutely anything; Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, and Firefox.

Your screen may look a little different, but mine looks like this because I'm using Ubuntu Linux as my OS (Operating System). 

See the little URL box near the top of your web browser? Well click in that box and type or just type . They both work fine.

Ok, now click enter, and you'll be at their website!
Never mind the big red rectangle, thats just where I blocked the ad.

Ok, first I'll show you how to cartoonize a picture you already have on your computer.

First, click the big blue button that says "From Disk".
You should see this:
Well go ahead and click that "Browse" button on the top left of the window. Select the picture you want. As you see below, I have a picture of a duck. Oh, and I forgot to tell you; the picture has to be realistic. Not cartoony.
Don't you love my duck? Just kidding. Well go up to the top right of the window and press "Upload".
Quack! What the?! where did that quack come from?
Nice, huh? Works better on some other pictures, so experiment! Now you can either save it to disk, share it, or send it as a E-card!
 Well, thank you for reading and stay tune for more Howtos!

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