Monday, July 25, 2011

How to...

Put Animated GIF's into a regular post on Blogger!
I like uploading the animated GIF's to image hosting servers. For smaller gifs, I use , and for larger ones, I use .  Well today, I'm going to show you how to upload to z-up. first of all, click the link that I just wrote a few sentences ago. Here's what should appear.
Click 'Browse' and pick the GIF you want. I've already showed you how to make an animated GIF here.
So Pick the gif you want and click 'Open'.
Click 'Upload'.  It should give you a link, and you can just post that link in the HTML tab in blogger. Or, If you want to put it in your sidebar, use the HTML/Javascript Gadget.

Well there you go, Enjoy!


  1. One tiny problem, when I upload my GIF. There's a kind of rules. It says..

    1.Characters must be below 28 words.
    2.Legal letters are A, a, space, /.

  2. use freeimagehosting then. z-up has less space, anyways.

  3. But I have to sign in! There's trouble everywhere! <:(

  4. It's true! And please don't say "There no problem at all" please.

  5. I didn't say that...
    And anywayss, I'll put up a post for imagehosting.
